Contact Us
If you have any questions regarding our website, how to purchase items, experience problems with your orders, or have any special requests, please feel free to contact us at anytime via email, social media, or by telephone within the designated hours provided! If you'd prefer an fast and efficient means of EMAIL communication, we reccomend filling out our Quick and Easy Contact Form at the bottom of this page. We'd be happy to assist you with anything you need, and rest-assured, with no judgement! Your interest in our page and the time you spend on it is gratefully acknowledged and respected. Communication and personal relationships with our clients is our #1 priority and we strive to not only satisfy the needs of our customers, but also go above and beyond in making sure they are happy with their products and have an effortless and positive experience in the meantime. We hold our business accountable for any problems with your order upon arrival. If dissatisfaction of products or service to the customer may occur, a refund may be requested and issued, within reasonable means, so long as the customer contacts us immediately (within 7 days of the receipt of purchase) and actions moving forward comply with the terms of our "Return Policy". If you have a question regarding returns, we kindly ask that you please refer to our "Return Policy" (link at the bottom of the page) before filling out our form, to ensure that the problem is resolved appropriately and pain-free with our Support Team! If you have questions regarding anything else, we are more than happy to help with any form of communication provided below!Inquiries about public speaking/events, photography workshops, or commercial and/or portrait photoshoots are humbly welcomed, but must be requested in advance via email at or by filling out the form below.
Quick and Easy Contact Form
This form ensures that the Customer Support Team will have a better understanding of how to better help and support you! NOTE: If your question or concerns regard a past or current order, we ask that you provide you order number within the "Message" box with a brief explanation of what the question or concern is regarding. If you are unable to provide/forget to provide this information in the box below, you can either fill out another form or have the number available upon request with our Customer Support Team when you are contacted. If you prefer to speak with someone over the phone, call us at the number provided above or specify this in the form below.
You will receive an email shortly after filling out this form with a confirmation that we received your question or concern. If you do not receive this confirmation email after 24 hours of submission, please contact us directly either by emailing us at or calling us during the business hours below!
Addressing your questions or concerns to from your own email platform OR you can use our: Quick and Easy Contact Form above!
Do you live in the United States and want to speak directly to a live human being? Great, let's chat!
Contact us at (415) 828-1339 between the following business hours:
Monday - Friday
9:00am - 10:00pm PST (Pacific Standard Time) .
9:00am - 3:00pm PST (Pacific Standard Time)
Disclaimer: In respect for & assured privacy of our business and employees at CRedmond Photography, we reserve the right to refuse, block, and/or report phone numbers associated with suspected fraudulent, spam, or abusive forms of communication toward our Customer Support team. Telemarketers, of any kind, are not permitted, at any time, to call the number provided above. International Customers: Please contact us directly by email at or by filling out our Quick and Easy Contact form or if desired, through Social Media platforms, to avoid international billing fees and complications. Mahalo, in advance, for your cooperation and understanding!